How GOPA Com. is Cultivating a Participatory Approach to Sustainable Development

At GOPA Com., we believe that companies have a crucial role to play in shaping a sustainable future. And we’ve already gotten started.

SDGs at GOPA Com.

We launched our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) project in 2022, which aims to align all our operations with the United Nations’ SDGs by 2030. Our SDG project has implemented several initiatives to foster awareness and action among our team members. In January, we distributed climate-related books to every colleague to encourage them to set ambitious yet achievable Climate Action New Year’s Resolutions. The three books – The Carbon Almanac by Seth Godin, Cambia el Mundo by María Negro, and Être écolo au boulot by Anthony Gachet – served as inspiring guides on how we can all make a difference in our daily lives and in our workplace.


Climate Fresk

Another key initiative was the organisation of internal Climate Fresk workshops in our Barcelona and Brussels offices. In March, we invited facilitators from the Fresque du Climat association to lead 3-hour sessions to explore the causes and consequences of climate change and its impact on our lives and our society. By stimulating creativity and collaboration, these workshops offered an engaging and dynamic learning experience that went beyond traditional lectures or presentations. Using the Fresk methodology and group discussions, participants were actively involved in the reflection on our own role to reach carbon neutrality and encouraged to explore actionable solutions at collective level that can make a meaningful difference.

GOPA Com. Workshop on sustainability

Climate Fresk Workshop on sustainability at GOPA Com.

“Climate Fresk is a fun and engaging way to learn about climate change. It’s made me more motivated to take action.” – participant Megan Kenna

Overall, the GOPA Com. SDG project aims to cultivate a participatory approach to sustainable development and to involve all our team members in defining and implementing concrete actions to achieve our defined goals. We believe that everyone is a key actor in the sustainability transition, and we want to leverage this collective potential to drive positive change.

To transition to a more sustainable future, we recognise that there is much more work to be done – both in our own organisation and in the wider European community. Nevertheless, we are full of energy and determination to tackle these challenges head-on and to create a successful case study for our partners and clients. We believe that by working together towards a common and ambitious goal, we can make a meaningful contribution to building a more sustainable, just and happier future for all.