A taste of Europe
When Europe’s farmers and the producers of thousands of authentic European food products and drinks do their work, they do it with pride. These producers are proud of the local traditions that have gone into making their products special, and they want people around the world to appreciate them. Bites of Europe is helping to make this a reality.

The Bites of Europe campaign is introducing Europe’s rich tradition of excellent food and drink to consumers in Mexico. Mexican foodies can travel on a taste journey to Europe and enjoy the wide range of authentic and traditional products that Europe has to offer by taking part in tasting exhibitions, gastronomic experiences and cookery workshops at which a range of EU products are presented – from fruit and vegetables to beers and confectionery.
It may seem like a long way from the olive groves of Greece and the orchards of Poland to supermarket shelves in Mexico – but with Bites of Europe, GOPA Com is bridging this gap. As a result, Mexican consumers are more aware of the wide range of tasty ingredients and products that Europe has to offer, while European producers can be proud that more and more people around the world appreciate the care and traditions that has gone into making their products an authentic taste of Europe.