LIFE is for living!
You must have noticed. Winter storms seem to do more damage, summer floods seem to be more widespread. Perhaps the changes you have seen have been smaller – migratory birds have been appearing in your garden later than expected, or there are fewer fish biting in your favourite trout stream. The impacts of climate change are all around us, and they are only going to become increasingly extreme.
Recognising that action is needed now to ensure a habitable planet for future generations, the EU launched the LIFE programme in 1992 to fund environmental and climate action. Since then it has paid out around EUR 6.5 billion in co-funding to thousands of projects that support the environment and tackle the effects of climate change in Europe.
At GOPA Com. we support the programme with communications solutions that increase awareness of the programme’s climate action among Europeans and encourage them to engage with its goals. This work continued during the COVID-19 pandemic, when GOPA helped the programme to adapt its outreach to the online environment and organised a series of webinars to highlight successful LIFE and Horizon 2020 projects in the areas of agriculture, food systems, forestry, and the bio-economy.